About us
Electrical and Electronic Engineering Association, Engineering Society, HKU (EEEA, ENS, HKU) was founded in 2005 as an official student organization in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Hong Kong. It serves as an official representative body of the Association members. Our aims include promoting the comradeship and understanding among members, facilitating the communications between the Association and external bodies and helping members to gain insight of their profession and future career.
EEEA Preparatory Committee
In the first meeting of EEEA-PC, Mr. Chan Ting Kai and Miss Wong Sze Man, Year 2 EComE students, were elected to be the Convener and General Secretary of the EEEA-PC respectively. The committee started to draft the constitution of EEEA to define its scope of operation during the period of October and November 2004, with an open Forum held in mid November 2004 to collect opinions on the drafted constitution. As the primarily function of EEEA is to unite everyone in the EEE Department, there were serious debate regarding to postgraduate membership. This made us different from other departmental student societies in the Faculty of Engineering, where postgraduates were considered eligible in becoming full members of EEEA instead of associate members.
Establishment of EEEA
The idea of enhancing the sense of belonging of EEE students towards the Department was initiated by the EEE Department in fall 2004 under the headship of Dr.Y.S.Hung. Dr. N.H.C Yung was appointed by the Department to coordinate all student activities within the Department. He consulted all class representatives on how to develop a sense of belonging within the Department through email. Mr. Chan Ting Kai, class representative of EComE2, collected opinions from other class representatives and sent an email to Dr.Yung with a brief proposal for making EEE Department OUR Department. A number of suggestions were made, including the establishment of EEEA On 6th Oct 2004, the first Staff-Student Consultative Committee (SSCC) was held. It was decided in the meeting that a EEE Association would be established for all students (EEE/EComE, EESE/EE, InfoE and CE) of the EEE Department. The primary functions of EEEA were:
To foster closer tie between students and staff of the EEE Department
To develop a sense of belonging among EEE students and staff.
It was agreed in the meeting that a EEEA Preparatory Committee (EEEA-PC) would be formed to handle all issues relevant to the formation, functions and roles of the future EEEA. The EEEA-PC composed of a convener and a number of members elected democratically among EEE students.
Time Line of Establishment

Time Line of Establishment
In January 2005, a group of interested year 1 students gathered to discuss the year plan. A Mock-Campaign and Campaign were held to collect opinions from EEE students. Thereafter, annual election and polling on the adoption of the drafted constitution were held in late March 2004. Around 30% of the current postgraduates and undergraduates in the Department voted in the annual election. An Extraordinary General Meeting was held on 24th March 2005 to adopt the results of annual election and general polling. Mr. Chan Ting Kai and Dr. N.H.C Yung were both appointed to be the honorary members of the association for their hard work in the establishment of EEEA. EEEA was officially established after the Extraordinary General Meeting.
The name of the 1st Executive Committee was Foundation. Foundation is the base for success. During its terms of office, the following fundamentals of EEEA were established:
On 8th June 2005, EEEA was registered at the Hong Kong Licensing Office in accordance with Section 5A(1) of the Ordinance.
A Logo, designed by Mr. Chan Ting Kai, was elected as the EEEA logo out of 28 other designs submitted by many EEE students on a one-class-one-vote basis.
The Association stamp was made in July 2005.
The EEEA Membership forms were agreed in July 2005.
A EEEA bank account has been created in HSBC in November 2005.
EEEA Membership cards were designed and issued in November 2005.
EEEA Homepage was set up.
By the end of September 2005, EEEA has recruited 120 members, including undergraduates, postgraduates and staff.